See, learn, and DO Curriculum and Instructional Design!

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Let's kick start your journey together!



our team 02

Connect with mentors and like-minded teachers while growing your professional network naturally in the exclusive cohort community.

our team 02

Personalized guidance from our experienced mentors. Receive feedback, clarification, and support that ensures you're on the right track toward the opportunities you want next.

our team 02

Join our live sessions to ask your questions and get accountability with experts and fellow learners.


Just a few of the many places where course grads work now:

Maybe you have the same concerns a lot of transitioning teachers have...
  • Wanting to work beyond the walls of your classroom?
  • Feeling like your opportunities are limited to teaching?
  • Vaguely familiar with Curriculum and Instructional Design but not sure what the job would actually be like?
  • Wanting to work with curriculum and instruction but knowing a graduate program + life expenses = over $100,000?
  • Not wanting to take years to apply to grad school, complete course work, and then look for a job?
As a teacher, I had ALL of these thoughts and feelings. Now that I have been an instructional designer for years and now that I hire instructional designers, I know the truth.
The Truth Is...
  • Great teachers make INCREDIBLE Curriculum Designers and Instructional Designers.
  • The best way to learn Curriculum Design and Instructional Design is by DOING it.
  • The best way to get a job in these roles is to SHOW them your skills, not a pricey piece of paper (aka diploma).
Imagine working with your educator skills... and no behavior management, no grading, no taking attendance, etc.

But what does a Curriculum and Instructional Designer actually do?

Have you ever noticed how some learning experiences and resources are engaging, effective, and enjoyable while others really aren't?!

Curriculum and Instructional designers are the magic sauce behind the scenes who...

Determine how learners will learn something best.
Create engaging and enjoyable learning resources! (Yep, just like you do as a teacher in the classroom!)
Make learning effective, engaging, and enjoyable for everyone at education companies, non-education companies, universities, as freelancers, and more!

Our students have grown their skills and have had great results with our Become a Curriculum & Instructional Designer Program.
Here are just a few of their stories.
Matt K.

Within a month I got a job. I credit it all to this program. It’s phenomenal. The resources have been amazing. Everything from the resumes to the LinkedIn support. It was fabulous. Thank you so much. Even with the interview, I went in with the tips and kind of memorized and rehearsed. It was perfect.

Faith H.

The program helped me tremendously in seeing how many transferable skills I had as a teacher. It helped me gain more confidence to apply to roles that I thought I wasn't even qualified for in the past! I landed an Instructional Coach role with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. I get to still work in education, and support teachers with HMH curriculum and best instructional practices.


I recently accepted a position as Manager for Learning for a global company and I AM STILL PINCHING MYSELF! I was able to negotiate a salary that is just shy of DOUBLE my teaching salary when I resigned after 17 years and the benefits are AMAZING!


The Become a Curriculum & Instructional Designer program helped me clearly see my transferrable skills and gave me a clear and practical pathway in order to build my portfolio and better answer interview questions in a way that truly reflected who I am, what I am about and what I have to offer. I Landed an Associate Instructional Designer position at Keypath Education working remotely.
Thanks for all of your help and support!


I officially got hired full-time at Johns Hopkins College of Engineering as an instructional designer!! I’m making a difference for my students with disabilities on a bigger scale than I could do part-time working with one student at a time. It’s crazy exciting that I get to use my 15 years as an engineer and 20 as a science/math/special education teacher to impact engineering students with disabilities.

Leah F.

Teacher Transition was so incredibly beneficial, that I was offered a position as a Learning Experience Designer for Johnson & Johnson just months after starting your program! I will now be getting my Masters in Learning Design paid for by J&J. I am so glad I took your advice and applied for jobs without the degree. It saved me thousands of dollars! Thank you, again, to you and your whole team for creating this program and community! It was truly a lifechanging experience!

How to become a Curriculum Designer or Instructional Designer


As a teacher, you're a pro at creating amazing learning experiences and resources!

You can do even more of that as a Curriculum Designer and Instructional Designer!

The problem? Some teachers assume the only way to land these jobs is to take years going back to grad school and forking over thousands and thousands of dollars in tuition to get yet another degree.

The reality is that companies who hire Curriculum and Instructional Designers care more about your skills, ability, and experience than they care about whether or not you have a piece of paper (degree) that says you sat through classes (or clicked through them) to learn about “curriculum and instruction” or instructional design “theory”.

Instead, they want to SEE what you can do.

The other problem? You’ve heard of curriculum and instructional design but you’re never seen what they actually do for work and taught how to land a job in it.

Well, the truth is grad school doesn’t teach you that; exposure, experience, and training do.


Become a Curriculum and Instructional Designer

The program to become a Curriculum Designer or Instructional Designer with the teaching skills you ALREADY have.

This program is for teachers who want exciting new work opportunities using their incredible educator skills and years of work experience. It is perfect for current teachers, former teachers, retiring teachers, instructional coaches, people who want to work remotely from home or on-site, for those who want to work for a company, a university, or for themselves, and for anyone who loves creating meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences and resources!

By the end of this course you will...
  • Know and EXPERIENCE what Curriculum Designers and Instructional Designers do - so you don't have to "wonder" any longer what the job is like.
  • See how to GET HIRED as a Curriculum Designer or Instructional Designer without needing to go back to grad school.
  • GAIN SKILLS you need to land a Curriculum Design or Instructional Design job.
  • Find your "favorite fit" among the many types of Curriculum Design and Instructional Design jobs out there - so you will LOVE your next job!
  • Create your personal PORTFOLIO - so you can land the job you want! (We have all the templates you need for this ready and waiting for you!)
  • Find JOB OPENINGS with the best tools and resources out there - so you can apply to those you want!
  • Customize your RESUME and COVER LETTER with the optimized templates we have for you!
Student Results

Sharon joined the course and landed her instructional design and training role in 3 months! She now works remotely at a college organization creating learning experiences, training professors on educational technology, and influencing thousands of students in her exciting new role that she LOVES!


Jennifer landed her job in 3 months making 20k more as her *starting* salary! As a teacher, Jennifer wanted more opportunities and future flexibility with work. Three months after starting the course, she landed her new role making $20,000 more than she was making as a teacher!


Chris joined the course and became an instructional designer in 1.5 months and he loves his new role! Chris knew he reached his career "peak" as a teacher and was ready for future growth. He joined the course and landed his remote job the next month!

You get access to all of these resources and MORE!
Online Lessons

Learn at your own pace with online lessons, video instruction, written instruction, guest speakers, and more!

Personal Packet Workbook

This is where you will take notes and identify the specific type of Instructional Design work you want to do.

Personal Portfolio Package

We'll provide you with a portfolio template to compile what you create in the course and show companies the skills and qualifications you have!

ID's Template Toolkit

The Template Toolkit has multiple templates to help you learn and do instructional design work. You will use these to develop your portfolio and while working in the field after completing the course!

Find Your Fit within the Field

With SO many different work opportunities in this field, you'll get a feel for which one is your best fit by hearing from Curriculum Designers and Instructional Designers who work in a variety of settings and roles.

Hands-on Experience

The best way to learn how to do Curriculum Design and Instructional Design work is to actually do it. You will do hands-on work throughout this course and have your completed portfolio by the end!

Ready with a Resume Template

We've created your resume for you! It translates your teacher experience into the lingo you need to land your next opportunity. Simply download and customize it to be yours!

Convert Your Cover Letter Template

We've created your cover letter for you too! It catches the hiring manager's attention and sets you up for success! Simply download and customize it.

Former Teachers: Guest Speaker Gallery

Do you ever feel alone in your transition? In the Guest Speaker Gallery, you'll hear from former teachers who are Curriculum and Instructional Designers, learn what they do, how they do it, and you can connect with them!


Exclusive access to our Live Cohort Learning Program starting March 21, 2024!

Exclusive Cohort Community

Connect with mentors and like-minded teachers while growing your professional network naturally in the exclusive cohort community.

Personal Mentorship

Personalized guidance from our experienced mentors. Receive feedback, clarification, and support that ensures you're on the right track toward the opportunities you want next.

Live Cohort Learning Program

Join our live sessions to ask your questions and get accountability with experts and fellow learners.

Faculty and Mentors

After going beyond her classroom, Ali became an instructional working at one of the largest instructional design agencies in the United States. She then went on to work for education companies and non-profit organizations creating engaging learning resources and materials for trainers, teachers, students, and administrators. Those resources have been translated into over 36 languages and now influence learners throughout the world.


Jeff is an industry leader in instructional design. He presents at the largest learning conferences in the world, teaches at the university level, has worked for some of top e-learning companies, AND he is the expert that e-learning companies reach out to create their training, and can answer all of your questions and show you the ropes from the most basic to the absolutely most advanced questions. The opportunity to meet with and learn from him is rare and extremely valuable. He may very well be one of if not the top e-learning expert you talk with in your life.


Becky is a Certified Career Coach with years of experience helping hundreds of teachers find and land their next dream jobs. As a former recruiter she also knows the ins and outs of how to get hired. She will help you in live sessions to perfect your resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile, prepare for interviewing, negotiate your salary and more!


Robin was a teacher who then became a full-time stay-at-home mom for a decade. She then joined this course, learned instructional design, and now works remotely from home with the flexibility she wants for other responsibilities while enjoying her instructional design role. She will show you the ropes and help you learn how to land the opportunities that match the lifestyle you want.


Kaleigh was a teacher who was beyond ready for a new job. As she says, “This course changed my life!” She took action with the course and landed her first of multiple instructional design jobs she has enjoyed. She will mentor you and show you how to take action and land the opportunities you want.


Learn From And Connect With Those In The Field

Our Guest Speakers Work At These Companies!


Working through the course provided me with the knowledge I needed along with actionable steps I could take to apply that knowledge. The opportunity to share my work and receive feedback was invaluable. 

The comprehensive content of the course prepared me for creating a targeted resume, writing a cover letter, designing a portfolio, and interviewing for positions. 

The course is supported by not only Ali, who has made a successful transition, but several other interviews with professionals who have done the same. All of their stories and experiences were incredibly helpful.

The Become and Curriculum & Instructional Designer course is an excellent program for anyone thinking about entering the field. It prepared me to make the transition to a role as corporate trainer/instructional designer for a well-established company. The content in the course prepared me to tackle the job search confidently and with the knowledge that I am well-prepared to succeed in my new role.


I’m very fortunate to share that 3 months after finding the Teacher Transition course, I’ve landed a new career! 

I loved learning at my own pace through the course, but I also really enjoyed Ali’s teaching style and thorough, yet concise way of teaching.

I was also enrolled in an ID course through a University at the same time but I found myself losing interest within 5 minutes each day. In contrast the Teacher Transition course had me flying through multiple courses each day with actionable steps toward my portfolio. 

Every interview mentioned how much they loved my portfolio and I kept thinking how lucky I was to find this course. 
I’m now a Product Developer working from the comfort of my home making over $20,000 more with room for growth in my future. 

With my newfound flexibility in time and budget, my wife and I can start planning next steps to grow our family. 

I am eternally grateful for Ali’s thoughtful and thorough care for like-minded educators looking to make a career change.


Before enrolling in the course, I had no idea what I needed to know or do to start my new career.

The Become a Curriculum & Instructional Designer course helped me gain the knowledge needed to build my portfolio and start my new career.

The course combined with the membership group was so valuable to me. In the membership I got more individualized help and knowledge from other experts that Ali brought in to help us.

The Teacher Transition team has a heart for helping teachers and is genuine with her advice and course lessons. I would highly recommend this program.

What's included:
  • Online training
  • Resume Template
  • Cover letter Template
  • LinkedIn Template
  • Curriculum & Instructional Design Template Toolkit
  • Personal Packet Workbook
  • Personal Portfolio Package, Template, & Training
  • Interview Questions & Answers
  • Professional Development Certificate
  • BONUS: Live Cohort Learning Experience
  • BONUS: Personal Mentorship
  • BONUS: Exclusive Community
  • BONUS: Connections at companies
Frequently Asked Questions
Nope. I didn't have a degree in instructional design and you don't need one either. BUT there are things you DO need to land a job in these roles and we'll go over those things in this course and provide you with the tools and resources you need for that.
I'm glad you'd ask!! I learned this trade in one of the best settings out there that you can learn it in an instructional design agency! My teacher skills mixed with the real-world experience was a dynamite combo! I guest lecture at the university level teaching their grad students how to do Curriculum Development and Instructional Design. Their instructors have also requested resources I have for their grad school course content so that their masters-level students would be able to more effectively and efficiently do this kind of work and land jobs in these roles. I also direct a learning production agency where I work with and lead incredible instructional designers and curriculum developers and, yes, where I have hired them as well.
No problem at all! This course will let you know what the field is like and everything you need to get a job in it. You can apply whenever you’d like! It will simply help you be confident and fully prepared to take that next step whenever you would like to! And PS what you will learn will help you be a better teacher in the classroom as well.
If you want to do an online program, one of the least expensive and popular options is WGU’s program. Most students graduate within 4 semesters for $13,000. (Note: Some of the people in our course have graduated from WGU with that degree and then signed up for this course because even after graduating with a master’s in ID they had no idea what IDs actually do for work. But hey, they learned a lot about theory and assessment 😉). If you want to go to an on-site program, one that is well respected is Indiana’s. If you were to get accepted to theirs or another a really good program and attend on-site, your tuition plus life expenses would likely come to over $100,000. Yep, really. Want to see it for yourself? Here are the details from Indiana’s website: Pro-tip: Keep in mind that after getting a degree, you would then need to go to the work of landing a job. Or, you could save that time and money and we’ll get right to the end goal.
All Teacher Transition courses come with a 7-day no-questions-asked policy. If you purchase a course and decide for any reason that it is not for you, simply email our team within 7 days at [email protected] for a refund. Please note that a $50 processing fee will be applied to cover the payment processor fee and process to refund your purchase.
If you decide that you would prefer a different course than the one that you purchased, our team would love to support you with that. You are welcome to have your purchase transfer to another course within 7 days of purchase. There is no $50 processing fee associated with exchanging one course for another. Please note that the transfer of one course to the other can only be done one time and cannot be refunded afterward.
This varies depending on many things. Some course members have landed jobs in a month and a half after signing up. Others haven’t started applying until many months later. If you need a job sooner rather than later, I recommend a dual approach of taking the course while applying to jobs and adding the skills you gain through the course to your resume and portfolio as you learn them.
The cohort experience includes an online community and live sessions. The online cohort community is accessible 24/7 for 10 weeks to get your mentoring, support, and shared encouragement throughout the cohort. The live cohort sessions are 8 weeks long and held once per week to mentor you on course content and let you learn from and connect personally with guest speakers working in the field. The cohort's online community and live sessions start the same week and the online community is accessible 2 weeks after the last live session to get you further support.
Spoiler Alert: For being part of the program, you will also be given free access to even more support, in case you may need or want additional support and career coaching after the cohort wraps up. We simply want to support you as best as possible for as long (or short!) of a timeframe as you want and need.
Complete the course as fast or slow as you'd like. Go at the pace that works best for you.
This course is about more than learning a tool or specific software. You will go through the process of creating learning resources that is used at companies. You will learn about the most relevant and in-demand skills and tools that companies look for when hiring. The course is not as focused on a specific software as much as it is focused on exposing you to the most important software to know, having you experience/go through the process that is used at companies to actually create learning resources with the software you select, and getting you prepared to confidently apply and land a job in the type of role you’d like at the type of company you’d like. The course is not as focused on a specific software as much as it is focused on exposing you to the most important software to know, having you experience/go through the process that is used at companies to actually create learning resources with the software you select, and getting you prepared to confidently apply and land a job in the type of role you'd like at the type of company you'd like.
This is one of the best reasons to sign up! We’ll be connected personally, you won’t have to “wonder” about what instructional design really is anymore, and you’ll see which job opportunities and work settings are opportunities where your personal strengths and skills can shine! There is such a variety of opportunities in the field and you’ll see the right match for your personal gifts and strengths! And I’ll be here to coach, encourage, and advise you all along the way! You’re not doing this alone!
Absolutely! We have course members who have never been teachers and they benefit from the course every bit as much as others. The fields they work in range from Human Resources to Training for large companies. Course enrollees also land jobs with a variety of companies, not solely education companies. The companies course enrollees now work for range from non-profits, to large corporate mechanical companies, to universities, and more. You will learn the spectrum of work opportunities that are out there in the field of Instructional Design so you can identify and hone in on the type of ID job you want. You’ll learn about and experience the process that is used in instructional design, along with the most important ID tools and resources you need to know. You’ll also receive the customizable templates for a resume, cover letter, and portfolio to effectively take your next steps into the actual ID workforce. The aspects of the course that relate to the education field and an education background simply give context to examples in the course and are not a limitation of the course to solely educators but rather more of an additional element. We love having course enrollees from different fields as they bring a variety of strengths with them from their different backgrounds and experiences! Trust me, you are welcomed and appreciated for the background and experiences you bring with you to the course!
Better question- Where haven’t they landed jobs? Course members have landed jobs at corporate companies like Spotify, universities like Texas A&M, education companies, ed-tech companies, contracting jobs from home, opportunities with companies in the US and outside of the US as well, and more.
Yes, you will receive a professional development certificate upon completion of the course.
The cohort meets once a week for 1-2 hours to discuss that week's topic. The schedule varies depending on our guest speaker's availability but you can generally expect us to meet once a week at 8 ET/ 7 CT/ 6 MT / 5 PT. A full schedule will be provided upon joining. If you're unable to join the live session replays are available within 48 hours.
7-Day Money Back Guarantee
No Questions Asked!

In the live cohort experience we're going to take you through this course in 10 weeks and have you ready to apply comfortably and confidently to these jobs!

Need more time than that? We've got you covered with the continued access to the course. Complete it over the holiday break or summer break, or replace your Netflix binging with cruising through the course as fast as you'd like!

Your timing is all up to you with continued access to the trainings, templates, and tools you'll have continued access to in this course.

Ready to move forward in your work life?!

Go from feeling "stuck" as a teacher to gaining all of the opportunities you want ahead of you!

So much value for such a low price

Over $10,000+ worth of resources, skill-building instruction, learning-by-doing experience, industry-leading templates, personal mentoring, connections, and more!

    • On-demand training: $3,000+
    • Ready to Roll Resume Templates: $300+
    • Created for you Cover Letter Template: $100+
    • Level-up your LinkedIn Template & Training: $100+
    • Course Creation Training: $300+
    • Course Creation Templates: $300+
    • Trainer Training: $300
    • Trainer Guide Templates: $300
    • Learner Guide Templates: $300
    • Template Toolkit for Curriculum & Instructional Designers = $900+
    • Personal Packet Workbook = $100+
    • Personal Portfolio Package & Training: $200+
    • Professional Development Hours Certificate: $300+
    • BONUS: Live Cohort Learning Experience: $1000+
    • BONUS: Personal Mentorship: $1000+
    • BONUS: Exclusive Community: $500+
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with the Learning Director at ed-tech giant Curriculum Associates & Imagine Learning
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with a content writer at BrainPop
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with a producer at Curriculum Associates
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with trainers at ed-tech companies
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with Instructional Designers and Implementation Specialists at ed-tech startups
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with a Trainers and Training Directors at corporate and education companies
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with Instructional Designers at multiple universities
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with Senior Instructional Designers with experience in corporate, ed-tech, and non-profits
    • BONUS: Learn from & connect with freelancing instructional designers and learning consultants
    • And SO MUCH MORE




You can't beat
this price!
Open new opportunities in less time than it takes to apply to grad school.
Faster. Cheaper. Better.

Most course grads earn back the cost of this course within days of their next job.

Come open the door to new exciting opportunities needing your skills!
Become a Curriculum & Instructional Designer Program
6 monthly payments


  • Instant Access to Become a Curriculum & Instructional Designer course.
  • Access to the next live cohort INCLUDED!
Let's make it happen!

You don’t need to “wonder” what Curriculum and Instructional Design is all about any longer! See the real opportunities available to you, use your incredible educator skills, and move forward on your personal career path by joining us in this LIVE cohort program!

Go from feeling “stuck” as a teacher to gaining all of the opportunities you want ahead of you!