Want new work opportunities besides teaching but don't know where to start??

"Find Your Next Dream Job - For Teachers" is an online course that walks you through the process to make that wish become a reality for teachers. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge, resources, and connections to move forward and land your next dream job. 

Hi, I'm Ali! I help teachers find their next dream job!

I've been where you are in the classroom and I know how to get to where you want to be next.

I know what it's like to be in the classroom and wanting something more. I know how challenging it can be to identify what you want to do next and to land great opportunities to do that - while also managing your teacher workload. But guess what, I also know how to make that happen! Having done it myself and having helped other teachers do it, I can walk you step-by-step from the classroom to your next dream job.
Image of Ali Parrish

Ali Parrish


Let's identify and land your next dream job together!

The skills and experience you already have qualify you for so many job opportunities!

-Educational consulting -Training -Instructional Design -Educational Marketing -Educational Sales -Human Resources -Customer Success -Online Teaching -Course Creating -Ed-tech -And so much more!

Are you where I was?

If you're anything like me, after a handful of years in the classroom, you're ready for growth through new opportunities. (And that's a good thing!)

  • Wanting to work beyond the walls of your classroom?

  • Feeling like your opportunities are limited to teaching?

  • Craving growth through new opportunities?

  • Wondering how you can do more of the work you're most passionate about?

  • Having an "idea" of what you "might" want to do next but not really sure?

  • Feeling like you're trying to navigate all of this alone?

  • Not sure where to even start?

I had all of these concerns and more the last 2 YEARS I taught.

Now that I've worked for a variety of companies and run my own company, I know the truth.

The truth is:

#1 Teachers have INCREDIBLE skills that companies WANT . #2 Teachers are oftentimes UNAWARE of the skills they have and how marketable they are #3 Working beyond the classroom can be REWARDING and MEANINGFUL in so many ways!

Course workbook

Your dream job

Where do you want to be in 6 months from now? Let's find out and get you there together.

It's not just about getting a "different" job. It's about getting your DREAM job.

By the end of the course

You will be prepared with

  • Clear target of the work you want to do next

  • Connections to people in the field where you want to work

  • Ready to roll resume from our templates

  • Cover letter from our templates

  • Needed networking skills

  • Excellent interviewing skills

  • Confidence in your path going forward

How to find and land your next dream job!

Exclusively for teachers

As a teacher, you do so many things, not just "teaching". The problem isn't that you don't have employable skills, it's that you need to match the skills you already have with real work opportunities.

What if you could say goodbye to the aspects of teaching that don't interest you... like behavior management, grading, testing, duties, and focus on the skills you enjoy most!

!The reality is that companies want people with skills like yours. 

My final 2 years of teaching, I was so ready for something more. I CRAVED growth! I then took steps that led me down a career path that I've loved ever since! 

After so many teachers asked me how they could find work they love, I decided to create this course to guide you step-by-step through the process!


The course to IDENTIFY and LAND your next dream job!

Find Your Next Dream Job - For Teachers" is for teachers who want exciting new work opportunities using their incredible educator skills and years of work experience beyond the walls of their classroom. It is perfect for current teachers, former teachers, instructional coaches, people who want to work on-site, or remote from home for a company.

Teacher Testimonials

Here's what teachers are saying!

I landed a job with them!


Thanks so much for the companies you recommended! I reached out to one and landed a job with them! I'm loving it! Thanks!!​

It gave me the courage and direction I needed.

Bethany C.

Thank you so much for your help with the switch from teaching to another field. I'm incredibly grateful that you would sacrifice time out of an insanely busy life and help a stranger. Thanks for graciously sharing your experience. It gave me the courage and direction I needed. It was a tender mercy to see another teacher who was led down a different path. With much gratitude, Bethany.

I love my new job

Ethan Deceuster

"I successfully transitioned from the school district to working as a learning designer! I love my new job and feel very good about the choices I made and the hard work I put into it. It is very interesting work and paying off already. I appreciate you taking the time to help me know that it is possible to move on from teaching."

Get these resources and MORE!

So much more than simply an online course!

  • Online Lessons

    Learn at your own pace with online lessons, video instruction, written instruction, and more!

  • Research-based Quizzes

    This is where you will find research-based quizzes to help you identify the kind of work you would love doing next.

  • Personal Packet Workbook

    This is where you will complete activities to identify the kind of work you would love doing next and actual opportunities to do that work!

  • Teacher Transition Templates

    You will get access to customizable online template tools that will help with the job search and when you need to select between different opportunities.

  • Simplified Search: Educator-enhanced Job Search

    Overwhelmed by not knowing where to start looking? Come see the best places for educator-related positions and non-educator related positions that are CURRENTLY HIRING!

  • Now Hiring Educators Contact List

    Get the Super Spreadsheet of hundreds of companies that love hiring teachers and are CURRENTLY hiring. I'll provide you with a simplified way of finding those that relate with what you want to do and connecting with them.

  • Ready with a Resume Template

    I've created your resume for you! It translates your teacher experience into lingo used at companies and can be downloaded and easily customized.

  • Convert Your Cover Letter Template

    I've created your cover letter for you too. It catches the hiring manager's attention and sets you up for success! Simply download and customize.

  • Close Connections: Private Course-member Only Community

    More than just a course, you'll be connected in our private group to get encouragement, support, and assistance all along the way!

By the end of this course you will...


  • Use resources to identify the WORK ROLES YOU WANT MOST!

  • Use INTERACTIVE TOOLS to clearly identify YOUR NEEDS related to work (This helps ensure you'll love your next job!)

  • Find REAL OPPORTUNITIES to do the kind of work you LOVE for your next job!

  • Have a personal MENTOR - so you can land the job you want!

  • Know the kinds of QUESTIONS that are asked in INTERVIEWS and WHAT MOST TEACHERS DO WRONG in interviews!

  • Know how much different jobs PAY, even in different areas!

  • Find JOB OPENINGS with the best tools and resources out there - so you can apply to those you want!

  • Customize your RESUME and COVER LETTER with provided templates - so you'll be ready to apply!

Your next dream job

Let's discover your dream and get you there together.

Open your future opportunities SOONER rather than later!

There are THOUSANDS of current job openings for people with the skills that teachers have! Let's identify what you WANT to do next and MOVE FORWARD on your personal work-life path together!

14-day Personal Progress Guarantee

Your progress is guaranteed through this course! If for any reason you feel you have not progressed by completing it, simply submit the completed coursework for each module within 14 days for a full refund.

  • CONNECTION with others teachers who have gone/are going from the classroom into new opportunities

  • RESOURCES like customizable templates, workbook materials and videos to help you identify and land work opportunities you will love

  • EXPOSURE to many different types of job opportunities available to you as an experienced teacher

  • PERSONALIZED SUPPORT inside the private course-member only group

This course can save you from...

consequences teachers face by not taking this course.

  • Teaching "another" year

    Are you going to take another year to identify which skills you have that are marketable? How long will it then take to then identify companies, create an effective resume, and cover letter, and then learn how to network and interview effectively? Why not get it done in a week instead of a year through this course?

  • Limited Opportunities

    Who has more opportunities? The person who tries to do it all on their own or the one who uses the best resources out there? If you could just see the hundreds of opportunities and companies in the course. If you just knew the simple resume tweaks you'll learn about resumes. These things and more will open more doors for you!

  • Not realizing your full potential

    You have skills, interests, and abilities that no one else has. You have gifts and talents that the world needs. Let's find the opportunities that align with your passions and hopes to create the future you want!


  • What if I'm not ready to get a different job?

    The saying goes, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago." Similarly, the best time to prepare for what you want in the future is now. This course will help you be prepared while you're still in a "good place" and will help you be confident and fully prepared to take that next step and apply effectively when that time comes!

  • What if I lack confidence in my ability to do this?

    This is one of the best reasons to sign up! Transition from the classroom to what you want to do next is challenging enough. You don't have to do this alone and this course is here to help with exactly that! Our private course member-only group and I will be here to encourage and help you all along the way! You're not doing this alone!

  • How can I know you're qualified to teach this course?

    Glad you asked! Since going beyond teaching, I've been a trainer, educational consultant, instructional designer, taught at the university level, a learning strategist, project manager, course creator, created two successful companies, and more. In each of these roles, I've seen how educators' strengths play out and are needed. I've also seen how they can apply and land opportunities more successfully by using certain strategies and resources. Those best practices, strategies and resources are what I've included in this course to help you find and land your next dream job!

  • If I’m not a teacher will I still benefit from this course?

    Absolutely! Are you a school counselor, administrator, librarian, secretary, or instructional coach looking to transition your career? The context of scenarios I give throughout the course relate directly to teachers but the principles, strategies, and resources can be applied to any job seeker.

Let's make it happen!

Let's get you to where you want to be next!

Find Your Next Dream Job - For Teachers

Go from feeling "stuck" as a teacher to the work opportunities you want next!

So much value for such a low price

Over $1,800 worth of resources, instruction, guest speakers, community, and more!

  • Online course: Value = $1,100
  • Template Toolkit: Value = $100
  • Personal Packet Workbook: Value = $100
  • Made for you Ready to Roll Resume Templates: Value = $200+
  • Made for you Customizable Cover Letter: Value = $100+
  • Instruction from a Certified Professional Resume Writer and discounted access to her services: Value = $200+
  • Private community for course members-only: Value = $300+ 


BETA Pricing for a **LIMITED TIME** = $127

Pricing Options

Join now to get the lowest BETA price! Choose the payment option that works best for you.